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mardin fətvası

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    1. əsl islam bu deyil deməyimizə səbəb olan fətva.
    hal-hazırda əl qaidə, taliban kimi terror təşkilatları məhz bu fətvaya əsasən "cihad" fəaliyyəti aparırlar.

    orijinalını tapa bilmədiyimə görə ingilscəsini qoyuram.

    ibn taymiyah was asked about the land of mardin. is it a land of war or peace? (burda darül harb, darül islamdan söhbət gedir) are the muslims who live there obligated to emigrate to other muslim countries? if they are obliged to emigrate and they fail to do so, and if they assist the enemies of islam with their lives and property, are they sinful for doing so? are those who accuse them of hypocrisy and malign them sinful for doing so?

    ibn taymiyah answered:

    praise be to allah. the lives and property of the muslims are inviolable, whether they are living in mardin or elsewhere. assisting those who are acting in opposition to islam is unlawful, whether those who give the assistance are the people of mardin or others. the people living there, if they are unable to practice their religion, then they are obliged to emigrate. otherwise, it is preferable but not an obligation that they do so. it is unlawful for them to aid the enemies of the muslims with their lives and property. they must refuse to do so by whatever means they can, like absenting themselves, being evasive, or showing flattery. if the only way open to them is to emigrate, then that is what they must do. it is not lawful to malign them categorically or to accuse them of hypocrisy. disparaging and accusations of hypocrisy must be according to the designations set forth in the qur’an and sunnah and are equally applicable to some of the people of mardin as they are applicable to some people elsewhere.

    as for whether it is a land of war or peace, it is a composite situation. it is not an abode of peace where the legal rulings of islam are applied and its armed forces are muslim. neither is it the same as an abode of war whose inhabitants are unbelievers. it is a third category. the muslims living therein should be treated according to their rights as muslims, while the non-muslims living there outside of the authority of islamic law should be treated according to their rights.

    (youtube: )

3 əjdaha

kertenkele rza

02.06.2014 - 02:53
+150 oxunma

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