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king crimson - həyatın nə qədər cındır olduğunun anlaşıldığı anlar - depressiyada dinlənəcək musiqilər - insanın böyüdüyünü anladığı anlar - həyata dair gülümsədən detallar - az bilinən mükəmməl musiqilər - spotify - in the court of the crimson king - in the wake of poseidon
    7. illər sonra rastlaşdığım bir king crimson behind the story yazısında mahnın sözlərini yazan
    peter sinfield belə deyir:

    sinfield: “epitaph was a poem that i’d written when i had my own band. it started with the words, and then it was very much a piece of ensemble writing. ian would come up with an idea, then someone else. i think greg lake came up with the idea: ‘but i fear tomorrow i’ll be crying’, which is very greg-ish.

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