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əjdahalar   googlla
sözlük yazarlığının anonimliyi - sözlükdəki qız yazarlar - qalaxsi es dört - sözlük yazarlarının niklərinin hekayəsi - sözlük yazarlarının təxmini yaşları
    6. #68068 "matthew 6:14 - your heavenly father will also forgive you; will hear your prayers, and manifest his forgiving love to you.not that the forgiveness of others is the procuring cause of forgiveness with god, which is the blood of christ; or of the manifestation and application of it, that is, the advocacy of christ; nor the moving cause of it, that is, the free grace of god: but this enters into the character, and is descriptive of the persons, to whom god is pleased to make a comfortable discovery, and give a delightful sense of his pardoning grace; such persons, so disposed and assisted by his grace, may expect it of him."
    (baxma: sitatın sonu)

1 əjdaha


04.05.2014 - 03:32
+80 oxunma

hamısını göstər

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