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chris christie

əjdahalar   googlla
abş-ın 2016 seçkilərindən sonra potensial prezidenti - pentagon
    3. gözlədiyim kimi fürsətdən yararlanıb obamanı son israil-fələstin gərginliyi ilə bağlı mövqeyini tənqid edib. israilin özünü müdafiə üçün roketləri atdığını düşünür adam-http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/07/13/christie-calls-for-forceful-defense-israel-says-obama-not-decisive/

    Israel is not sure that they have America's full support like they used to. And that's a real failure of this presidency, in my view. And I think the unrest you see in the Middle East is caused in some measure -- not completely, but in some measure -- by the fact that this president has not acted in a decisive, consistent way. by having America be a forceful voice in favor of a democracy like Israel, and be condemning in the strongest terms and with actions the things that are being done by Hamas against Israel.

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