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sən qələtivi elə söz verəndə danışarsan - camaatın anası bacısı - sözaltı etiraf - leon: the professional - keçən ayın ən bəyənilənləri - hər entryə burnunu soxan moderatorlar - kafamda filler sikişiyor kamil - melis - + sözaltı statistika - the thin red line
    403. it's sad, when a mother has to speak the words that condemn her own son. but i couldn't allow them to believe that i would commit murder. they'll put him away now, as i should have years ago. he was always bad, and in the end he intended to tell them i killed those girls and that man... as if i could do anything but just sit and stare, like one of his stuffed birds. they know i can't move a finger, and i won't. i'll just sit here and be quiet, just in case they do... suspect me. they're probably watching me. well, let them. let them see what kind of a person i am. i'm not even going to swat that fly. i hope they are watching... they'll see. they'll see and they'll know, and they'll say, "why, she wouldn't even harm a fly..."
    psycho (1960)

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