daha qeyri rəsmi ingilis dili yazıları üçün:
(bax: we only write in english to this topic)
On my slow return to the normal state of mind I experienced an exquisitely painful longing for something undefinable. During the day I worked as usual and this feeling, though it persisted, was much less pronounced, but when I retired the night, with its monstrous amplifications, made the suffering very acute until it dawned upon me that my torture was due to a consuming desire to see my Mother.
Thoughts of her led me to the review of my past life beginning with the earliest impressions of my childhood. Uncovering more and more of my past life I came to review my American experiences. In the meantime my craving had become almost unbearable and every night my pillows were wet from tears. Unable to stand it longer I resolved to quit work and go home. This I did and after a multitude of experiences I found myself in Paris(..) I had to get off some final proofs for one of my lectures before leaving and while doing this a messenger handed me a telegram from my uncle which read: “Your Mother is dying hurry if you want to find her alive.”
- A very rare story told by Nikola Tesla in a letter to a friend. He talks about his mother and her death, his dream and his thoughts on spiritualism.
painting by Arnold Böcklin, Pietà (Mercy).

link to the whole letter