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    2. interesting study on why people are neurotic and short paragraph from the research about how female birds like bad boys but marry to dull boys, or why humans and even animals tend to like prettier/fun partners but build a life with rather dull ones. It also explained evolutionary benefits of being neurotic, which I had to google at one of the sleepless nights to make a use of it. So if you're anything neurotic, use it to your advantage. Any personality traits that you have are there for you to use for your best survival, don't neglect it, flourish it.

    " -essentially, females want to make babies with a bird that sings pretty songs but they want to build a nest and care for the babies with often a much duller mate, a mate who is going to be faithful and see the offspring to maturity so they can continue the line. We know from animal research that even highly monogamous species (some birds) cheat on their mates"

4 əjdaha


03.02.2022 - 07:36
+3702 oxunma

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