<a href="https://soz6.com/sds-search.php?query=joachim trier" class="bbcodeout gbkz" title="joachim trier">joachim trier</a>'s - "<a href="https://soz6.com/sds-search.php?query=the worst person in the world" class="bbcodeout gbkz" title="the worst person in the world">the worst person in the world</a>" - last film in oslo triology - is pretty well done. it shows you how there's never a safe exit strategy in love triangles. it's like zugzwang, once you love, you've already lost.<br /> <a target="_blank" href="//pbs.twimg.com/media/FJGOZCyWUAMgJPn.jpg"> <img data-src="//pbs.twimg.com/media/FJGOZCyWUAMgJPn.jpg" class="lazyload" width="50%" height="50%" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: 1px solid #ddd; border-radius: 4px; padding: 5px; opacity:0;transition:opacity 0.3s;" /> <i class="fas fa-spinner fa-spin placeholder"></i> </a>