you don't know shit about fuck at your twenties. and you won't. its ok. if I could live my teenages again I wouldn't give a shit who is ruling the country. never voted in my life cus I couldn't but I probably wouldn't anyway. I wouldn't go to any to fucking protest and get banned from my own country and leave it to the people that you didn't even like. at your twenties you could be inventing something new, but not your country

it's easy to decieve youth politically. they'll do anything for the othernalin. been there. you just wanna destroy something fancy.
youth shouldn't even be able to vote I was thinking but should they. it's a practice to get better at it or you're just an extension of your family. by the time you learn how to vote there won't be any democracies anyway. just like today. and it's kinda better. imagine if people actually choose someone to represent them. that's madness. monarcies are winning.
cus who the fuck thought 4 years was enough to rule? look at vladimir the lil or the aliyev the junior they're annexing, liberating the fuck out of shit. and no one even voted for them but they are cheering to them now
did you know germans actually loved hitler? fun fuct but no suprise there ofc. just like vladimir the lil, hitler cared for germany, he used the cons-piracy that usa and soviets are run by jews, and germans are getting fukt in the ass just like russians with the sanctions today but are they realy?
hitler one day woke up in the hostpital heard that his country lost the war, he lost it too, and become the mad man. so if you don't want your enemy to get better, don't attack them, cus the bombs you send will grow against you.
#politics #unclebob