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əcnəbinin düşüncəsindəki azərbaycanlı

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xarici ölkələrdəki erməni - azərbaycanlı aksiyaları
    15. bu yaxınlarda almaniyaya qayıdan bir qız dostumun fikirləri -* :

    leaving azerbaijan:so many times i’ve been in foreign countries... however, this past month has by far been the best foreign experience ever. everyday we created great new memories i won’t ever forget.i experienced the great culture of azerbaijan as well as georgia and appreciate germany even more now.though words could never express the awesomeness we experienced, here some key words i most certainly associate with my time here:aftos, „go, go, gooo“, old lady, azercay, xirdalan, bazar boys, the papa, open-door-shower, „that’s a shittaa“, cok yaksi, rhinoplasty, „no problem“, karaoke, piroski, sink, famous-popular-ancient, ay rufeeeet, pakhlava, creepy baby, ice cream man, turkish muscle, original and ozers too, alkash, yellow, „no no no no, yes yes yes!!“, sağol

6 əjdaha

robb stark

01.09.2013 - 15:29
+560 oxunma

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