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fetullah gülenin azərbaycana bəddua etməsi - sözaltı sözlük - yeni gələn yazarları sıxışdıran moderatorlar - türkiyə - yaran tweetlər
    26. "Here's my analysis of an interesting Twitter war of Turks versus Azerbaijanis on the hashtag ‪#‎köylütürkler‬ - "Peasants of Turkey" - the general discussion (I think) seems to be Azerbaijanis saying that they are superior to far Eastern Turks.


    A user seems to be the center of the discussion right now because the most popular tweet is this: "RT @Jarumirin: Tanklarına toplarına taburlarına alaylarına uçaklarına tayyrelerine rağmen PKK ilen Baş edemeyen #köylütürkler (:"

    The biggest cluster of replies/retweets is around this Jarumirin person. The next cluster are people just using the hashtag but not replying or retweeting. Then there are a few clusters of Azerbaijanis.

    Usually one can infer something from the URLs that each cluster posts (like hard core republicans would be linking to Fox News), but in this case, there isn't a lot of URL linking, so we have to infer based on the tweet text itself."

    lan? -* -* -*

1 əjdaha


08.02.2014 - 22:05
+280 oxunma

\n seems to be the center of the discussion right now because the most popular tweet is this: "RT @Jarumirin: Tanklar\u0131na toplar\u0131na taburlar\u0131na alaylar\u0131na u\u00e7aklar\u0131na tayyrelerine ra\u011fmen PKK ilen Ba\u015f edemeyen #k\u00f6yl\u00fct\u00fcrkler (:"
\r\nThe biggest cluster of replies/retweets is around this Jarumirin person. The next cluster are people just using the hashtag but not replying or retweeting. Then there are a few clusters of Azerbaijanis.
\r\nUsually one can infer something from the URLs that each cluster posts (like hard core republicans would be linking to Fox News), but in this case, there isn't a lot of URL linking, so we have to infer based on the tweet text itself."
\r\nlan? -* -* -*", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "https://static.soz6.com/assets/imgs/fblogo.webp" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "soz6.com", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "https://static.soz6.com/assets/imgs/fblogo.webp", "height": 178, "width": 178 } }, "description": null }

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