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blok başlıqlarını gizlət
keçən ay yazdığı ən əjdaha entrylər:

Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/soz6/sonhefte.php on line 66

Notice: Undefined variable: userQuery in /var/www/soz6/sonhefte.php on line 84

Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/soz6/sonhefte.php on line 84

Notice: Undefined variable: anonim in /var/www/soz6/sonhefte.php on line 85

Notice: Undefined variable: idvv in /var/www/soz6/sonhefte.php on line 92

Notice: Undefined variable: idvv in /var/www/soz6/sonhefte.php on line 101

Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/soz6/sonhefte.php on line 102

eliyevler sulalesinin bize urcah elediyi 1001 haqqsizliq qarshisinda sesini chixarmayan, lakin çin sefirliyinin onunde uyghur turklerine qarshi haqqsizliqlari protest eden bir qrup.
hele erdoganla eliyevin qucaqlashmasina kovrelenleri var. can.

Notice: Undefined variable: user_id in /var/www/soz6/sds-themes/vengeful-light/profile.php on line 1337

blok -   başlıqlarını gizlət
Notice: Undefined variable: user_id in /var/www/soz6/sds-themes/vengeful-light/profile.php on line 1344