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açılmağı gözləyən başlıqlar:
toplam 6362 sifariş
yenilə gündəm

because i’m tired of all of these things, i cry out for restful death: deserving people destined to be beggars, and worthless people dressed up in fancy clothes, and sacred vows broken, and rewards and honors shamefully bestowed on the wrong people, and chaste women turned into whores, and people perfectly in the right disgraced with slander, and the strong disabled by authorities who are weak, and artists silenced by authority, and fools controlling the wise like a doctor does the sick, and simple truth mistaken for simplemindedness, and good enslaved by evil. i’m tired of all these things and would like to escape them, except that if i die i’ll be leaving the person i love all alone.

google'də axtar link - sözlükdə ətraflı axtarış et!

bunun üçün üzv olmalısan!

- qaydalarısözlük təlimatını oxumağı unutmayın.
- qrammatika qaydalarına uymağa çalışın.
- təhqir və ayrı-seçkilikdən qaçının.
- başlıq açmazdan öncə bənzərinin açılmadığından əmin olun.

oxşar başlıqlar: