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əjdahalar   googlla
az bilinən mükəmməl filmlər - bipolyar pozuntu - lustral - erkən boşalma - niklas kvarforth - hər şeyi yeniyetməliklə əlaqələndirən insan tipi - farluxetin - paroxin 1a
    6. he said, 'the thing about depression is,
    well you just can't let it get you down,
    you have to see the world for what it is:
    a circus full of freaks and clowns
    and you'll never please everybody,
    it's a well established fact',
    he said, 'i recommend a fifth of jack
    and a bottle of prozac.'
    (baxma: prozakc blues)



03.08.2015 - 19:59
+125 oxunma

hamısını göstər

üzv ol
