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postmodernizm - hər başlığa söyüşlü nəsə yazmaq - bədii ədəbiyyat oxuyan bikar insan
    16. ''at the end of the 1910`s, einstein, disturbed by the occasional venomous criticism of his work in physics, sought solace in the rich and the challenging prose of dostoevsky, a work in which he discovered confirmations of his own humanistic philosophy. in his lifetime, he made three comments on dostoevsky`s classic that demonstrate his deep admiration for the great russian novelist. the first of these came in 1919, in a letter to his close friend ehrenfest, professor of physics at leiden, in which he wrote: i am reading with enthusiasm the brothers karamazov. it is the most wonderful book that i`ve laid my hands on. the second comment came in 1921;

    according moszkowski, einstein confessed to him that he had learned more from great novelist than from the prince of mathematics gauss.``

    ve davam edir :

    `it is the moral impression, the feeling of elevation, that takes hold of me when a work of art is presented. and i was thinking of these of these ethical factors when i gave preference to dostoevsky`s works. there is no need for me to carry out a literary analysis, not to enter search for physichological subtleties, for all investigations of this kind fail to penetrate the heart of a work such as borthers karamazoff. this can be grasped only by means of feelings that find satisfaction. yes that is the right expression, 'ehtical satisfaction'! i can find no other word of it''

    einstein oz sahesinde yeni fizika, riyaziyyatda dostoyevskiden qaussdan daha cox sey oyrene bilmezdi. zaten einstein dostoyevskini oxumaga baslayanda artiq nezeriyyesi yayimlanmisdi ve en cox tenqidlerden bas goturub dostoyevskinin eserlerini oxumaga baslamisdi. 1910-1919 cu illerden evvel hele 1905 ci ilde xususi nisbilik yayimlanmisdi, 1907 ci ilde umumi nisbiliyin esasi qoyulmusdu (1909 cu ilde minkowksi ile beraber riyazi esasini qoymusdular yeni qauss ve riemannin hendesesinden istifade etmekle) einsteinin dostoyevskiden oyrendiyi seyler ortadadi. yeni elmle, kainati ve s. anlamaqla hec bir elaqesi olmayan, einsteinin hemise inandigi deyerlerle elaqeli idi. tebii ki einstein dostoyevskiden daha cox sey oyrene biler neinki qaussdan. bes men ne yazmisam?

    yazmisamki; `oyrenmek istediyim seyler haqqinda hecne oyretmir`` yeni menim oyrenmek istediyim seyler haqqinda hec bir melumati olmayan, hec bir sey oyretmeyen dostoyevskini oxumaq fikrim yoxdur. ona qalsa weinbergin en sevdiyi ve meslehet etdiyi kitablar arasinda var dostoyevskinin bu kitabi. ancaq men sevmirem.

    ele birinciden yazmisam lap isteyirsiz savadsiz deyin mene ancaq sevmediyim seyi sevmirem demek haqqim var. qaussun tekce dissertasiya tezisi olmasaydi butun dunya bugun hele 1700 cu illerin dusuncesinde idi; yeni tekce iyirmi sehifelik dissertasiyasi butun bedii edebiyyat qara-qurasindan daha deyerlidir menim ucun.

    butun cumlelerin sonuna 'menim ucun' yazmisam. yeni oz fikrimdi.

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edward witten

06.02.2016 - 20:53
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