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child in time

əjdahalar   googlla
marixuana ilə dinləniləcək mahnılar - valideynlərə nifrət yaradan səbəblər - deep purple - breaking the waves - insanı gitara çalmağa həvəsləndirən mahnılar - astral sәyahәtә aparan mahnılar - insanı öldürən gitar soloları - sözaltı radio - it's a beautiful day
    1. Deep Purple əfsanəsi.
    (youtube: )

    the story of a loser - it could be you.
    sweet child in time you'll see the line
    the line that's drawn between the good and the bad
    see the blind man shooting at the world
    bullets flying taking toll
    if you've been bad, lord i bet you have
    and you've been hit by flying lead
    you'd better close your eyes and bow your head
    and wait for the ricochet



20.08.2013 - 23:15
+65 oxunma

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