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you ll never walk alone

əjdahalar   googlla
    1. liverpool fc fanatlarının klubu üçün olan əfsanəvi himni.
    ing. sən heç zaman tək yeriməyəcəksən.


    when you walk through a storm
    "keep your chin up high" or "hold your head up high"
    and don't be afraid of the dark.
    at the end of a storm
    is a golden sky
    and the sweet, silver song of a lark.
    walk on, through the wind,
    walk on, through the rain,
    though your dreams be tossed and blown.
    walk on, walk on with hope in your heart,
    and you'll never walk alone,
    you'll never walk alone.


ian curtis

01.09.2013 - 15:35
+105 oxunma

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