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never in a million years

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    Əgər yalnız hiss edirsənsə, 860 qaynar xəttinə müraciət etməyini tövsiyə edirik.

    1. asianın alpha mahnısında bir mahnı.

    sözləri :

    plain evil, i know what's on your mind
    never say you're leaving me behind
    no trouble; get that from the start
    you know the cost of loving is your heart

    i would never leave you
    i would never go
    i would never leave you
    never in a million, never in a million
    never in a million years

    pure pleasure, the love that's in your eyes
    you never give me feelings in disguise
    same fever, it comes on all the time
    always lets me know what's on my mind

    live angel, you come to me and cry
    like tears of joy come raining from the sky
    i'd never leave you, you knew that from the start
    i'll give it to you now straight from the heart

    i would never leave you
    never in a million years
    i would never leave you
    never in a million years

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