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faces of stone

| musiqi
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    Əgər yalnız hiss edirsənsə, 860 qaynar xəttinə müraciət etməyini tövsiyə edirik.

    1. *david gilmour*un rattle that lock albomundan çox sevimli, yumşaq parça. videosu ayrıca gözlədir.
    klip demək olarsa (bax: klipi ilə dinlənilməli olan musiqilər )

    (youtube: )

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    Faces of stone that watched from the dark
    As the wind swirled around and you took my arm in the park
    Images framed, hung high in the trees
    And you talked of your youth but the years had turned dry as the leaves

    Your lover was gone, his replacement to hand
    And just what the difference was, you could not understand
    In darkening grey we walked back through the streets
    Then you talked all night long of your childhood home by the sea

    And I, my disguise a mask chosen by you
    Believed every word I heard
    At least I think that's what I tried to do

    We sat on the roof, the night overflowed
    No more was said but I learned all I needed to know
    Your Hollywood smile shone a light on the past
    But it was the future that you held so tight to your heart

    5 əjdaha!

    27.12.2017 23:33,

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