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tears and pavan

115 | 1 | 1

əjdahalar  googlla
bursting at the seams

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    Əgər yalnız hiss edirsənsə, 860 qaynar xəttinə müraciət etməyini tövsiyə edirik.

    1. bursting at the seams albomundan bir strawbs əsəri. 2 hissədən ibarətdir: "tears" və "pavan". ilk hissə qəmgin və durğun, ikinci hissə isə daha ritmik və nikbindir. hər iki hissə bir birindən maraqlıdır.

    bu da sözləri

    where are the tears that you should be crying right now?
    i see the world weariness in your eyes
    i hear your voice, soft and sad
    yet your laughter rings like carillons of bells in my ears.
    where are the tears that you should be crying right now?
    i see the world weariness in your eyes
    i feel your heart beat like the wings of the wild goose
    i smell your love on me
    i can still taste the tears that you should be crying right now.

    oh darling go to sleep for the night is young
    there are many songs yet to be sung
    oh but I will sing them all to you
    before the night is through.
    and when she lies in need of care and comforting
    so as a child's toy she is caressed
    and yet when cast adrift upon the changing tide
    as a ship becalmed, she lies at rest
    oh darling go to sleep for the night is young
    there are many songs yet to be sung
    oh but I will sing them all to you
    before the night is through.
    oh darling go to sleep for the night is young
    there are many songs yet to be sung
    oh but I will sing them all to you
    before the night is through.

    (youtube: )

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