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25th hour

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unudulmaz film səhnələri - unudulmaz film replikaları - edward norton - imdb top 100-də olmayan mükəmməl filmlər - 25-ci saat - ağladan filmlər - məsləhətli filmlər - matthew mcconaughey - pripyat - sözaltı günlük
başlıqdakı ən bəyənilən yazılar:

+8 əjdaha

4. --- spoiler ---

edward norton'un ayna qarşısındakı tarixi monologu:

yeah . fuck you . too.
fuck me? fuck you .
fuck you and this whole city
and everyone in it.
no. no. no. no. no.
fuck the panhandlers
grubbing for money.
smiling at me behind my back.
fuck the squeegee men
dirtying up the clean
windshield of my car.
get a fucking job.
fuck the sikhs
and the pakistanis
bombing down the avenues
in decrepit cabs.
curry steaming out their pores.
stinking up my day.
terrorists in fucking training .
slow the fuck down !
fuck the chelsea boys
with their waxed chests
and pumped-up biceps.
going down on each other
in my parks and on my piers.
jiggling their dicks
on my channel 35!
fuck the korean grocers
with their pyramids
of overpriced fruit
and their tulips and roses
wrapped in plastic.
ten years in the country.
still no speakee english .
fuck the russians
in brighton beach .
mobster thugs sitting in cafes.
sipping tea in little glasses.
sugar cubes
between their teeth .
wheelin' and dealin'
and schemin' .
go back
where you fucking came from .
fuck the black-hatted hasidim
strolling up and down
4 7 th street
in their dirty gabardine
with their dandruff.
selling south african
apartheid diamonds.
come on .
your wife deserves this.
fuck the wall street brokers.
self-styled masters
of the universe.
michael douglas-gordon gekko
wannabe motherfuckers
figuring out new ways
to rob hardworking people blind .
send those enron assholes
to jail for fucking life.
you think bush and cheney
didn't know about that shit?
give me a fucking break.
worldcom .
fuck the puerto ricans.
twenty to a car.
swelling up the welfare rolls.
worst fucking parade
in the city.
and don't even get me started
on the dominicans.
'cause they make
the puerto ricans look good .
who's this fuckin' guy?!
get the fuck outta here!
fuck the bensonhurst ltalians
with their pomaded hair.
their nylon warm-up suits.
their st. anthony medallions.
swinging their jason giambi
louisville slugger baseball bats
trying to audition
for ''the sopranos.''
fuckin' crack
your fuckin' head open !
fuck the upper east side wives
with their hermes scarves
and their $50
balducci artichoke.
overfed faces
getting pulled and lifted
and stretched all taut
and shiny.
you're not fooling anybody.
fuck the uptown brothers.
they never pass the ball .
they don't want to
play defense.
they take five steps
on every layup to the hoop.
and then they want to
turn around
and blame everything
on the white man .
slavery ended 1 3 7 years ago.
move the fuck on .
fuck the corrupt cops with
their anus-violating plungers
and their 4 1 shots.
standing behind a blue wall
of silence.
you betray our trust!
fuck the priests
who put their hands
down some
innocent child's pants.
fuck the church that protects
them . delivering us into evil .
and while you're at it.
fuck j .c.
he got off easy --
a day on the cross.
a weekend in hell .
and all the hallelujahs of the
legioned angels for eternity.
try seven years
in fucking otisville. j .
fuck osama bin laden .
al qaeda.
and backward-ass cave-dwelling
fundamentalist assholes
on the names of
innocent thousands murdered .
l pray you spend the rest
of eternity with your 7 2 whores
roasting in a jet-fuel fire
in hell .
you towel-headed camel jockeys
can kiss my royal lrish ass.
fuck jacob elinsky.
whining malcontent.
fuck francis xavier slaughtery.
my best friend .
judging me while he stares
at my girlfriend's ass.
fuck naturelle riviera.
l gave her my trust.
and she stabbed me in the back.
sold me up the river.
fucking bitch .
fuck my father
with his endless grief.
standing behind that bar.
sipping on club soda.
selling whiskey to firemen
and cheering the bronx bombers.
fuck this whole city
and everyone in it.
from the row houses of astoria
to the penthouses
on park avenue.
from the projects in the bronx
to the lofts in soho.
from the tenements
in alphabet city
to the brownstones
in park slope
to the split-levels
in staten lsland .
let an earthquake crumble it.
let the fires rage.
let it burn to fucking ash .
and then let the waters rise
and submerge this whole
rat-infested place.
no. fuck you .
montgomery brogan .
you had it all .
and you threw it away.
you dumb fuck!

--- spoiler ---

+5 əjdaha

2. "her kişi, qadın ve uşaq ölmeden evvel çölü bir defe görmelidir" replikasıyla ağlımda qalan film

+4 əjdaha

1. narkotik satıcısı olan montgomery brogan ın evine edilen ani polis basqını neticesinde brogana yeddi il hebs cezası verilir .montgomery brogan hebsden 24 saat evvel yaxın dostları,sevgilisi,atası ile vaxt keçirmek isteyir ve hemin vaxt ağlına bir çox sual,şübheler geler ve en yaxın dostlarından,sevgilisinden bele şübhe etmeye başlayar.insanın beynıne güllü kimi ilişen sübhe brogan deli etmekdeydi. ve filmin gözlenilmez sonluğu

+3 əjdaha

5. son sehnesiyle son nöqteni qoyan filmdir.

--- spoiler ---

atasıyla sehrada olan sehne evezolunmazdır, sadece o sehneyçün bele olsa izlenilmesi gereken filmdir, atasının danışdıqları, yeni bir heyat, yeni bir şexsiyyet.

montynin ayna qarşısındaki monologuda evezolunmazdır o ayrı, hemçinin hemin aynada söydüyü bütün hamını hebse gedeken yolda görmesi onların montye el sallama sehnesi, her sehnesiyle bir şedevrdir film

--- spoiler ---

+2 əjdaha

3. en sevimli filimlerimden biri belke birincisi mene göre imdbde top 250 de olmamasına baxmayaraq baxdığım en xoşuma gelen film.hemen hemen bütün dialoqlar ister yahudi dostu ile o biri dostunun dialoqu ister atası ile monty nin dialoqu möhtemeşemdi. sözsüz güzgünün qabağındakı "fuck" sehnesi bir başqadı. (baxma: imdb de top 100 de olmayan mükemmel filimler)

+1 əjdaha

9. imdb-də 6 xal verdiyim filmdir, amma hamının da qeyd elədiyi çox identik final səhnəsinə sahib bir filmdir. son dövrlərdə çox az film belə sonluqlarla bitir.


atasının yolboyu danışdıqları vaxt montynin xəyal elədikləri sonrakı həyat səhnəsinə az qala inanmışdım və onda hiss elədim ki, frank üçün çox pis olmuşam. frank daha güclü obraz kimi gəldi mənə. uğurlu işi, çoxlu pulu, eyş-işrət əhli olmasına baxmayaraq dostluq anlayışının belə möhkəm olması xoşuma gəldi (hər nə qədər sadəcə film obrazı olsa da). və atasının nitqi boyu dediyi "geri dönmə, ola bilsin ailəni, dostlarını itirəcəksən" sözlərini eşidəndə ağlımdan "franki necə atmaq olar axı?" fikirləri keçdi. həmin an frankin sahildə tək oturduğu səhnə verildi lap pis oldum. * lənətə gəlsin çox sentimentalam


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25th hour